Bring to Front opti...
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Bring to Front option

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Hi Glenn,
I'm testing DesktopInfo, very nice tool πŸ™‚

I see the new 'topmost' feature on 3.2, but what would really be nice is a 'BringToFrontOnClick' option, to basically make the window behave like a normal app. For me it's useful that it sits on the background most of the time, but then when clicked it should move to front so that we can see the current info without having to drag a bunch of windows out of the way.

Clicking the window could bring it to front, and when it loses focus it could go back to background (HWND_BOTTOM).

Additionally, currently we can only drag/click it by hitting the text or graphs, not the background of the window (even when opacity is not zero). Perhaps it should respond to clicks/drags on the background of the window when opacity>0.


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