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[Solved] Newbie help please

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I have downloaded SDIO after recommendations in a PC mag here in the UK but I am having some early 'problems' with getting it to work as I think that it should be ... !!

Upon entry, I click on the topmost bar ("Updates are available") and from the resulting option box, I select "indexes" as the info. box on the "This PC" tells me that I have to download indexes first (The pedant in me keeps saying "indices" NOT "indexes"). I select that option and I am told that the size is 16Mb. Q: Which is the correct button to press next: "OK" or "Accept" ? (the difference is .... what?). I then wait, and wait, for something to happen. The topmost box changes to tell me that 0 bytes have been downloaded but nothing else happens - I have even left my laptop running overnight, but to no avail, no download seems to occur (should I be doing a step here to make it download?) My internet connection is working (Ecce this posting) so I now turn to the gurus here for help. I have tried the first rule of engineering ("Shout at it") and the second rule ("Turn it off then on") and I am now at the stage ready for the third rule ("Hit it with a bigger hammer"). I am running W10 on an ASUS laptop.

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I know about the indexes/indices thing. Many moons ago programmers decided they would butcher the language and we've been stuck with it ever since.

The Accept button will begin the download but leave that dialog open. The Ok button will begin the download and close the dialog.

If the download never gets past 0 bytes then something is blocking the torrent from downloading. You could begin by testing your anti-virus or custom firewall by either allowing an exception or by temporarily disabling it. If you are in a corporate environment your I.T. department may have a policy against torrents. The point is, all things being equal, it should "just work" (tm). If it doesn't look for something that is blocking it.

I find that sometimes throwing the laptop against a brick wall can help. It won't fix the problem but you may feel better afterwards πŸ™‚

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@glenn Thank you so much for the advice - enabling SDIO through the firewall solved my problem

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